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Artist went from Sound to the Billboard Hot 100

A submission to the Optimism We <3 the Art Competiton turned into a viral hit.

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Breaking new music is harder than ever. We're working on a better experience for everyone. Learn more about how we're building the Sound Feed here.

Why Dasha minted her song on Sound before going viral

Dasha is a Nashville based artist who just signed to Warner Records following her viral song "Austin." But before the song went crazy - she minted it on Sound. Everyone who collected an edition of the sold out limited edition can officially prove they found Dasha early.

It all started with the Optimism We the Art competition - the competition that gave out around $4M in prizes. The song has reached as high as 59 on the Billboard Hot 100 and has reached over three billion views on TikTok.

"Austin" is her genesis drop on Sound - and she recently teamed up with Coop Records Music to boost it even further.

Being on Sound gave her a new way to monetize her music and reach true fans. Here’s what she had to say about her experience:

“I uploaded Austin to Sound as a part of the Optimism art contest. I was blown away by the response and really love having a new outlet to share my music and a place for people to get closer to the songs they love”

So far, Dasha has generated $2,232 in volume through 822 mints. Mint a Free Edition of "Austin" here.

Maybe you'll go viral too... We'd love for you to add Sound as a platform you consistently add to all of your release plans.

Don’t know where to start? DM us on Instagram for tips on how to get started with your next drop.

Who's New to Sound?





Blackbird Blackbird


stages of grief






Breaking Artist: STVDIO NOUVEAU

STVDIO NOUVEAU is an electronic music and multimedia art duo that was formed in May 2020. Their latest track, "Base Theme" marks their sixth drop on Sound and their first on Base. Here's what they had to say about their experience:

"For musicians looking to release onchain editions of their music, is simply the best option out there today. What I love about Sound is the flexibility and variety of options they offer. Layer 1, layer 2, many different drop mechanics - it just has everything I need. From both an artist and collector perspective, Sound has one of the most user friendly user interfaces of any web3 application in my view."

Mint a free Limited Edition of the track here.

What We’re Listening To…

This week we're checking out "existential dance music" by DANC3. They are one of the most active communities using Sound today. The playlist is filled with 69 dance tracks and you can collect your favorites as you listen. Collect one to support the artists and DANC3.

Did you know you can earn money by making your own playlist?

Curators on Sound have collectively earned over $29,500 in rewards so far. Make one yourself and start earning by clicking here.

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